20/9/17: An OFP project promoted by the Charleroi-Sud Hainaut region

An OFP project is promoted by the Charleroi-Sud Hainaut Region to develop local rail services

The Charleroi Sud Hainaut Region is launching a call for expressions of interest to select and support the establishment of a partner Local Rail Operator (OFP) with a view to revitalizing rail freight by focusing action on the following elements:
- Create a local rail operator;
- Optimize local infrastructure;
- Develop ancillary services (maintenance, cleaning, etc.) and innovation;
- Ensure the animation, awareness, sharing and promotion of the project.
The specifications describing the services expected from the partner operator can be obtained on request from the Autonomous Port of Charleroi, rue de Marcinelle 31 at 6000 Charleroi (T.: 071/31.96.33 – F.: 071/32.44.57 – email:

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