The creation of an OFP

Developing an OFP project

The services of the first OFPs developed rapidly; starting from zero in 2011, in 2015, the OFPs processed around 5.3 M tonnes, in 2018, 7.3 M tonnes, i.e. 9% of tonnes and around 4% of T. k. They employ 400 people and operate 80 locomotives. (see summary attached below).

If you plan to create an OFP, you can inquire with Objectif OFP or one of its members, but it should be noted that since 2016 no OFP has been created in France, given the situation of the rail freight and the difficulties specific to SMEs in the rail sector .

The existing OFPs are developing regularly, but they are all backed by a group, often SMEs themselves, but giving them a broader base.

The development process of an OFP project is always specific but we can generally distinguish the following phases:

- constitution of a core group of players interested and willing to invest in the creation of a company which generally brings together logistics and transport skills, and rail skills, ideally with the agreement or participation of the shippers most concerned;

- establishment of preliminary studies, launched on the initiative of public or consular organizations (DREAL, CCI, Region, Port Authority or other), generally associated and in partnership with SNCF Réseau (Regional Department concerned); the aim is to analyze globally on a territory or a Port the needs for rail freight transport, to bring out the interested economic actors and to examine the relevance and the possible modes of creation of an OFP. But it goes without saying that a private player can also get an idea of the market by relying on the aforementioned public players.

- establishment of detailed operational and financial studies and launch of the procedure for obtaining the railway undertaking license and the safety certificate;

- setting up the company and its operational organization;

- launch of a - first operation on “base” traffic;

- increase in volume and range of services.

To develop your project, consult the Guide "How to create an OFP", established by Objectif OFP with the participation and support of the MEDDE and the financial support of the ADEME within the framework of investments for the future, and the thesis established by Touby Vang as part of the Railway Masters, which contains interesting economic data.

Download the Touby-Vang Thesis Situation des OFP au 10/10/2020 Download our guide How to create an OFP
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